Who’s Who Legal Profile

Loving my new ebiz card and profile on https://whoswholegal.com/nadja-alexander
Loving my new ebiz card and profile on https://whoswholegal.com/nadja-alexander
The current worldwide pandemic has brought with it a range of challenges we all need to work through. Among many learnings we have needed to adapt in our way of dealing with conflict and disputes. This is especially relevant in commercial settings. To learn more about ways to address this read my latest article on adaptability and agility in conflict resolution systems. https://whoswholegal.com/features/international-mediation-next-practice
One of my latest articles on new mediation systems that are emerging throughout many Asian nations. To view the full article please have a read here: https://www.transnational-dispute-management.com/article.asp?key=2836
To read more about the great work that the amazing team does in the area of conflict resolution please have a look at the website.
The SIDRA Survey aims to learn more about how and why businesses and lawyers make decisions about resolving cross-border commercial disputes. It is focused on user experiences with arbitration, litigation, mediation and hybrid dispute resolution mechanisms. The inaugural SIDRA Survey was launched in 2019 and previous survey reports can be found at this link here.
SIDRA Survey 2021 The Singapore International Dispute Resolution Academy (SIDRA) has launched the 2nd edition of its SIDRA International Dispute Resolution Survey. We welcome responses from participants who have experience in international commercial disputes and dispute resolution experience, including corporate executives, in-house counsel, lawyers and legal advisers.
The 2021 Survey will be open until 16 May 2021 and can be accessed at https://smusg.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eJRTOTOlwNtYf5P. The survey should take around 30 – 60 minutes to complete.
By clicking on the link, you will first be directed to a participant information sheet and consent form, before starting the survey. Participation in this survey is entirely voluntary. You can withdraw from the study at any time.
We value your input, which will help us map the state of current international dispute resolution practice. Please feel free to forward this survey to any other potentially interested participants. We intend to publish the findings in late 2021.
Mediation has been around for centuries. However more recently mediation is becoming more professionalised. In this podcast I discuss the key trends and developments in cross-border mediation at the moment.
An interview done with the Business Times on tackling societal change. Looking at a new way to addressing conflicts in the business world.
INKOVEMA Roundup 2020 (#5)
In the Mediation News this week we take a look at development in Asia as Singapore passes it’s long anticipated Mediation Act. It’s no secret that Singapore is fast becoming a hub for mediation in Asia. The number of new cases filed for mediation at the Singapore Mediation Centre last years was at an all time high – so things are definitely moving along in that region.
We also saw Goa in India host it’s first International Dispute Resolution competition just last month with a mediator from the National University of Singapore taking the spoils.
In this 10th Episode of This Week In Mediation we examine a recent decision from the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals on mediation confidentiality. Staying in the U.S. we look briefly through the lens of truth at the differing perspectives of the presidential inauguration and wrap things up with an important question for our audience.
All this and more from the Mediation news room in London.
Please click here to watch the show.
In this week’s episode of This Week In Mediation, presented by Professor Nadja Alexander and Aled Davies we look at the 7 biggest global trends in Mediation coming up in 2017.
It’s Family Mediation Week in the UK this week so we have a number of stories that follow the theme of family mediation but not all in the UK. We also have a special guest on the show this week; Philippa Johnson is an experienced family mediator and also vice-chair of the Family Mediators Association. We hear from Philippa about the special focus this year on the child in family mediation.
We bounce across to Singapore and staying on the theme of family and divorce mediation we look at some disruptive technology emerging in the US in the form of the Centre for Out of Court Divorce.
All this and more from the Mediation news room in London.
Please click here to watch the show.